Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What did children do during the middle ages?

Children’s crusades when, where, and how?

Young children spent most of their days playing with toys and making up games and just having fun. I would love to live in a time like that no chores yeahh! Around 7 children started to learning lessons and chores. Booo no one wants to learn how too clean but hey you got to learn how to rely on you not other. When children were between twelve or fourteen young adults rather they had to work. Now in modern time we start work round 16 if we want but it optional in some families I know in mine it’s not. Depending on place in society or social class is how you lived as a child but really based on place of parents.


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  2. I know right I would love it if their were no chores. We have to learn sometime tho and 7 seems like a pretty good age. I can't believe that if I lived then I would already be working.
